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This Month's books

Fiction - Based in Rajasthan


The Henna Artist

Alka Joshi

“Success was ephemeral—and fluid—as I’d found out the hard way. It came. It went. It changed you from the outside, but not from the inside. Inside, I was still the same girl who dreamed of a destiny greater than she was allowed. Did I really need the house to prove I had skill, talent, ambition, intelligence? What if—”

“Success was ephemeral—and fluid—as I’d found out the hard way. It came. It went. It changed you from the outside, but not from the inside. Inside, I was still the same girl who dreamed of a destiny greater than she was allowed. Did I really need the house to prove I had skill, talent, ambition, intelligence? What if—”

Non Fiction - The Youth and Tech


What Millenials Want: Decoding the Largest Generation in the World

Vivan Marwaha

The India Skills Report is one of the more optimistic assessments on employability among Indian graduates.21 A 2019 report conducted by the employability assessment firm Aspiring Minds found that 80 per cent of engineers are not employable for any job in the knowledge economy, a whopping 95 per cent of engineering graduates cannot even code, and only 2.5 per cent possess the required skills in Artificial Intelligence (AI) which the industry requires.

The India Skills Report is one of the more optimistic assessments on employability among Indian graduates.21 A 2019 report conducted by the employability assessment firm Aspiring Minds found that 80 per cent of engineers are not employable for any job in the knowledge economy, a whopping 95 per cent of engineering graduates cannot even code, and only 2.5 per cent possess the required skills in Artificial Intelligence (AI) which the industry requires.

Fantasy - Mythology - Retellings


Palace Of Illusions

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

“...this time I didn't launch into my usual tirade. Was it a memory of Krishna, the cool silence with which he countered disagreement, that stopped me? I saw something I hadn't realized before: words wasted energy.”


“Aren't we all pawns in the hands of time, the greatest player of them all?”

“...this time I didn't launch into my usual tirade. Was it a memory of Krishna, the cool silence with which he countered disagreement, that stopped me? I saw something I hadn't realized before: words wasted energy.”


“Aren't we all pawns in the hands of time, the greatest player of them all?”

Fiction - Translated from Tamil


One Part Woman

Perumal Murugan

“Only when a tree is small can you notice its growth. When it is bigger, it continues to grow, but imperceptibly.”


“The wretched people around us do not see what a man has. They only see what he does not have.”

“Only when a tree is small can you notice its growth. When it is bigger, it continues to grow, but imperceptibly.”


“The wretched people around us do not see what a man has. They only see what he does not have.”

Memoir - Based in Kashmir


Rumours of Spring : A Girlhood in Kashmir

Farah Bashir

“Why are people okay with not walking? Does Father not miss his daily walks to the shrine and his shop? What about Mother and her long walk to her parents' home? Does Bobeh not get bored now that she can't kill time watching people walk on the streets? What happened to my sister who lived her life outside; going to college with her friends, walking long distances to make umpteen visits to her tailor? I miss playing hopscotch on the streets. I miss walking in the courtyards and the run to buy kyencza. Why can't I play hide-and-seek in with Mogli's daughter in our courtyard again? Who walks in the by-lanes, on the bridges, outside the school? Who can walk to the bakeries? These are not built for walking.”

“Why are people okay with not walking? Does Father not miss his daily walks to the shrine and his shop? What about Mother and her long walk to her parents' home? Does Bobeh not get bored now that she can't kill time watching people walk on the streets? What happened to my sister who lived her life outside; going to college with her friends, walking long distances to make umpteen visits to her tailor? I miss playing hopscotch on the streets. I miss walking in the courtyards and the run to buy kyencza. Why can't I play hide-and-seek in with Mogli's daughter in our courtyard again? Who walks in the by-lanes, on the bridges, outside the school? Who can walk to the bakeries? These are not built for walking.”

Non Fiction - Climate Change


The Nutmeg's Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis

Amitav Ghosh

“furious growth of Covid- 19 cases in those parts of the US where many people regarded masking as an infringement of their individual liberties suggests that it is morbid individualism that turns crises into tragedies.”

“furious growth of Covid- 19 cases in those parts of the US where many people regarded masking as an infringement of their individual liberties suggests that it is morbid individualism that turns crises into tragedies.”

Fiction - Translated from Bengali


There's Gunpowder in the Air

Author- Manoranjan Byapari ; Translator - Arunava Sinha

"We realise that when a person speaks, when he presents an argument or an analysis, it isn’t just the person alone who is speaking, but also his earlier history, class, family, blood-group, economic and social status, education and experience."

"We realise that when a person speaks, when he presents an argument or an analysis, it isn’t just the person alone who is speaking, but also his earlier history, class, family, blood-group, economic and social status, education and experience."

Short Story Collection - Based in Manipur


Crafting the Word: Writings from Manipur

Thingnam Anjulika Samom

“This tradition which decides that unless the union is of a man and a woman, two people can’t become life partners – what kind of oppressive tradition is this? Are the bonds of the body priced higher than those of the heart? Love is a manifestation of the inner soul; has it become an expression merely of the outward appearance? Does love have to depend on the approval or disapproval of others?”

“This tradition which decides that unless the union is of a man and a woman, two people can’t become life partners – what kind of oppressive tradition is this? Are the bonds of the body priced higher than those of the heart? Love is a manifestation of the inner soul; has it become an expression merely of the outward appearance? Does love have to depend on the approval or disapproval of others?”

Short Story Collection - Based in Goa



Author - Vimala Devi ; Translator - Paul Melo E Castro

"If everybody thought like you and the others who leave never to return, then Goa would be abandoned to the infants and the elderly... You, the children of refuse to make this place any better."

"If everybody thought like you and the others who leave never to return, then Goa would be abandoned to the infants and the elderly... You, the children of refuse to make this place any better."

Fiction - Translated from Marathi


Cobalt Blue

Author - Sachin Pinto Kundalkar ; Translator - Jerry Pinto

"Have you picked up habits from me? Do you draw circles with a finger on your thali when you have finished eating? Do you, every once in a while, squeeze shaving cream on to your toothbrush? DO you sleep with a knee drawn up to you, the bedclothes kicked away? Do you fold the newspaper neatly and put it where you found it, when you are done? Yesterday, when a cobalt blue smudge of wall ended up on my hand, I wiped on my trouser without thinking."

"Have you picked up habits from me? Do you draw circles with a finger on your thali when you have finished eating? Do you, every once in a while, squeeze shaving cream on to your toothbrush? DO you sleep with a knee drawn up to you, the bedclothes kicked away? Do you fold the newspaper neatly and put it where you found it, when you are done? Yesterday, when a cobalt blue smudge of wall ended up on my hand, I wiped on my trouser without thinking."

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bonding over bindings